02185068158 0218506
Metro Manila
532nm Green Laser Diode Module,
Green Dot Laser
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Under operation with constant technical innovation of 532nm green DPSS laser tech, laser tech engineer has developed a quite practically used device of Berlinlasers 532nm green laser diode module. It emits the most visible green laser light from a middle wavelength of 532nm green DPSS laser, owing to its low laser beam divergence, it always makes the most compact size and the most precise green dot alignment in constant use.
This 532nm green dot laser allows easy and quick dot indication after connects with 5V, 9V 1000mA DC power supply. Being made with a qualified glass coated lens and glass window, it is working well with clear and no decay light dot alignment. Only after correct use of output power and freely adjusted green dot diameter, it assures the most focused laser light emission and the most precise dot alignment in all application fields.
Applications: laser marking, laser engraving, military targeting, laser medical therapy and high tech work etc
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