Metro Manila
Avengers Infinity War Thanos Ironman Captain America Thor Spiderman Black Panther Iron Spider Man Hulk Hulkbuster Buster Groot Die Cast Toy Statue
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P950 - Avengers Thanos Set
P950 - Avengers Infinity War Set
P1800 - Banpresto Ironman Armor Set
Avengers Thanos Set / Avengers Infinity War Set
- Made of Quality PVC Material
- Approximate Size 3.5 Inches
- Includes Display Base
Banpresto Ironman Armor Set
- Made of Metal Die-Cast by Banpresto
- Approximate Size 3.5 Inches
- Includes Iron Monger, Iron Patriot, War Machine, Ironman Heartbreaker, Ironman Mark IV and Ironman Mark VI
- Includes Display Base
- Cash on Delivery Payment
Note: Item does not include Warranty, Item inspection is permitted before purchase.
This seller has been a member since: Apr. 16, 2017
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Total Classifieds: 554
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